Category: Oracle Linux

  • One important difference between Debian and Fedora

    Before starting out with Oracle Linux this summer, my experience with Linux had been more or less confined to Ubuntu, which stems from Debian. Oracle Linux, on the other hand, stems from the Fedora project and Red Hat. Though they both build on the same kernel, they diverge from each other in a few important aspects.…

  • Oracle Linux: Unable to connect to FTP server in terminal

    In order to keep the virtual harddrive on my VM as small as possible, I prefer keeping installers on a network share that I can connect to through FTP. The terminal command for connecting to FTP servers handily enough is ftp. When running that command, terminal returned “Command not found”. It turns out that FTP is not installed on…

  • Oracle Linux: Unable to connect to the internet

    When first installing Oracle Linux, you may run into being unable to connect to the internet. You may make the mistake of thinking that the problem is with the network settings on the host-side, and try to futz about changing what type of network connection the VM connects to. Don’t bother, it isn’t going to do any good, and you…

  • Oracle Linux: Insufficient memory to auto-enable kdump

    Remember how I said “you should be all set”, last week? Turns out, I was only partially right. After creating a local user account, Linux also configures kdump, the kernel crash dumping mechanism. When attempting to do so, it returned this error message: As problems go, this one is fairly minor. Kdump does not need to be enabled…

  • Starting out with Oracle Linux

    I have been wanting to learn more about Linux for some time now, and the time has come to transform a desire to action. I have landed on Oracle Linux, for reasons that will soon become clear. As I don’t have any machine to dedicate to this, and because I want to have the ability…