The solution to last week’s brain teaser is straightforward enough. Four times two is eight; eight times three is twenty four. The solution is the product of twenty four times four; ninety six.
Category: BTS
BTS: One, two, three, four.
For the last Saturday of August, BTS is being revived. Going forward, I will post the brain teaser on the last Saturday of a month, and the solution on the Saturday following it.
BTS: Just a solution this time around.
This week, I’m just posting the solution to last week’s challenge. The next brain teaser will be published in late August.
BTS: Cheryl’s birthday
This week’s brain teaser is a logic puzzle that has gained a fair bit of fame, as it was featured as one of the tasks in the Singapore and Asian School Math Olympiads. Here goes:
BTS: Farmers and their cows
This week, I have a tale of two farmers for you…
BTS: Lies, damned lies
Another quick crime mystery for you this week:
BTS: Mr. Rose and the Hound
Following on last week’s theme, here’s another quick crime mystery:
BTS: Details matter
This week’s puzzle is a bit different, but I liked it. As usual, feel free to post suggestions in the comments; the solution will be up next week.
#BTS: If this then … what?
If you’ve been reading my solutions and justifications for previous puzzles, this week’s puzzle should not pose any challenge: (more…)
#BTS: Sevens in order
It is Saturday, and you should know what that means by now; it’s puzzle time! Feel free to post your answer in the comments. (more…)