Category: BTS

  • BTS: One, two, three, four – the solution

    The solution to last week’s brain teaser is straightforward enough. Four times two is eight; eight times three is twenty four. The solution is the product of twenty four times four; ninety six.

  • BTS: One, two, three, four.

    For the last Saturday of August, BTS is being revived. Going forward, I will post the brain teaser on the last Saturday of a month, and the solution on the Saturday following it. With that taken care of, here is our next brain teaser: If… 1=4 2=8 3=24 Then 4= … ?

  • BTS: Just a solution this time around.

    This week, I’m just posting the solution to last week’s challenge. The next brain teaser will be published in late August. Last week’s brain teaser is one that I found very challenging. Here is my answer and justification: We know that Albert knows the month, and Bernard the day of Cheryl’s birthday. We can immediately…

  • BTS: Cheryl’s birthday

    This week’s brain teaser is a logic puzzle that has gained  a fair bit of fame, as it was featured as one of the tasks in the Singapore and Asian School Math Olympiads. Here goes: Albert and Bernard just became friends with Cheryl, and they want to know when her birthday is. Cheryl gives them a…

  • BTS: Farmers and their cows

    This week, I have a tale of two farmers for you… The two farmers, let’s call one John and the other Seamus, are both cattle farmers. One day, John says to Seamus; “Here’s an idea; how’s about you give me one of your cows? That way, I’ll have twice as many as you do.” Seamus counters…

  • BTS: Lies, damned lies

    Another quick crime mystery for you this week: A man was found murdered Sunday morning. His wife immediately called the police. The police questioned the wife and staff and got these answers: The wife said she was sleeping. The cook was preparing breakfast. The gardener was gathering vegetables. The maid was getting the mail. The police instantly…

  • BTS: Mr. Rose and the Hound

    Following on last week’s theme, here’s another quick crime mystery: Poor Mr. Rose was found dead in his study by Mr. Hound. Mr. Hound recounted his dismal discovery to the police: “I was walking by Mr. Rose’s house when I thought I would just pop in for a visit. I noticed his study light was…

  • BTS: Details matter

    This week’s puzzle is a bit different, but I liked it. As usual, feel free to post suggestions in the comments; the solution will be up next week. A crime happened at Caraway Street. The main suspect is a man named Patrick Jones. It was said that a man had been walking along the pathway when he…

  • #BTS: If this then … what?

    If you’ve been reading my solutions and justifications for previous puzzles, this week’s puzzle should not pose any challenge: If… 2=6 3=12 4=20 5= 30 6=42 Then… 9=?   Here, now, the solution to last week’s puzzle: Once more, we have a puzzle involving order of operations. There are neither parentheses nor exponents, so we go…

  • #BTS: Sevens in order

    It is Saturday, and you should know what that means by now; it’s puzzle time! Feel free to post your answer in the comments. 7 + 7 / 7+ 7 * 7 – 7 That done with, we go on to the solution to last week’s puzzle: Last week, we had a puzzle involving orders…

  • #BTS: A numbers game

    For the fourth consecutive Saturday, here is a brain teaser for you (as usual, feel free to post your solution in the comments): 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 x 0 + 1 = ? …and now, here’s the…