Tag: Change

  • Your lack of planning…

    …is not my emergency. A while back, a customer contacted us, saying that they either needed to have a particular piece of software* installed, or that a change* needed to be performed on one of the servers which we operate for them. The former was very much not an option, as said software was not…

  • Calculating percentage change in Excel

    If you do a lot of work in Excel, odds are you’ve needed to calculate a percentage change. Luckily, Excel does this for you quite readily if you simply apply a basic formula of (New Value – Old Value)/Old Value. There is, however, a pitfall that you’ll not get the values you expect if the…

  • Change is high-risk behavior. Nevertheless, it must be done

    Change is arguably one of the riskiest behaviors within IT. Whenever we make a change, things tend to break. It is in no way coincidental that one of the foci of change management is post-change incidents, i.e. the errors introduced by the changes we make. I would go so far as to say that the…

  • The Hacker attitude

    For many years, the following has been part of my LinkedIn profile: I subscribe to the Hacker attitude:1. The world is full of fascinating problems waiting to be solved.2. No problem should ever have to be solved twice.3. Boredom and drudgery are evil.4. Freedom is good.5. Attitude is no substitute for competence. Eric S. Raymond…