Tag: code examples

  • Taking MailTo to the next level

    If you’ve ever written a website in HTML, you are probably familiar with the MailTo-command, used to automatically start a new email message when the link is clicked. However, you can do so much more with the command. Here are some examples:   Address message to multiple recipients Add entry in the “Subject” field Add…

  • Posting code examples rendered like text

    When writing my last post I had a problem that parts of the code was parsed into the page, meaning that the result, instead of the actual code, was seen. As you can see in the post, I solved the problem, and here’s how: By replacing the lesser than symbol (<) with “&lt;“, the greater…

  • Adding an infobox to your wiki

    As you may or may not know, I’m maintaining not one, but two wikis. One of these is my personal website. In both I’ve added an infobox on the right to make some articles stick out. Here’s how it looks:  How have I done this you ask? It is really boxes within a box. Let’s go…