Tag: IM

  • I love IM tools, but email isn’t going anywhere anytime soon

    I’m sure you, like me, have seen the articles over the years. They come around every so often, with headlines saying “<IM TOOL> is THE email killer”, “Death of email spelled by <IM TOOL>”, and “<GENERATION WHATEVER> says no to email, yes to <IM TOOL>”. I’ve seen these headlines for the better part of two…

  • Sametime: Resolving "There was an error opening a chat session…" errors

    I recently encountered the following error message when trying to initiate a chat session with a colleague.     Apparently, the error “0x80000005” means “The element is non-existent”. What happens is that when I tried to initialize a chat with my colleague, the Sametime client tries to open a Sametime channel to this user. It…