Tag: transparency

  • Pricing should be transparent

    From time to time, I see a sentence that quite simply pisses me off. What’s that sentence? “Please contact us for pricing”. It’s dismissive, it’s arrogant, and it leaves me with the impression that you are looking to get as much money as possible from any prospective clients. If all you do is customised to the customer, I could understand it. If you’re selling a turnkey solution, there really is no defence.

  • 2018 roundup

    In keeping with my tradition, I am inviting you to take a look at the year which is about to end with me, as it pertains to me, my life, and the blog.

  • State of the Blog 2018

    I am, for the third year running, writing a retrospective article for the summer. These are meant to be the summer counterpart to my end-of-year roundup series, which means that some information will be duplicated across the two series of posts.

  • Data protection revisited

    As I mentioned in my previous article about the topic, I am doing the best I can to comply with GDPR. In addition to what I covered back then, I have also updated the privacy policy of the site, and am continually working to ensure that I remain in compliance to the best of my ability. Part of doing so is reviewing the data collection and retention settings involved with Google Analytics.


  • 2017 roundup

    As has become my tradition, I am rounding out the year with a retrospective article. The idea stems from many places, but in particular from Steve Jackson, of Steve Jackson Games, and his annual Report to the Stakeholders.

  • State of the Blog 2017

    As I did last year, I am writing a retrospective article for the summer. These are meant to be the summer counterpart to my end-of-year roundup series, which means that some information will be duplicated across the two series of posts.


  • 2016 roundup

    Another year has gone by, the fourth one running in which I am writing a roundup article. While still not burdened with an overabundance of excitement, they are useful to me.


  • Why I blog – revisited

    Back in 2010, I wrote a post called “Why I blog“. All of the things I said six year ago are still true. This is still my personal KB, and I use it on a weekly basis for that very purpose. I was offered both of my last two jobs, in part due to this blog (having documented skills in written communication is literally never a bad thing for a support tech – or anyone filling any role in IT, for that matter), and I still enjoy my soapbox.


  • State of the blog 2016

    State of the blog is a new segment that I’m trying out. It’s meant to be the summer counterpart to my end-of-year roundup series, and some information will be presented both places.


  • 2015 roundup

    For the third year running, and the fourth time overall, I am actually writing a roundup article. Not exactly the most exciting stuff I write, but useful all the same, at least for me, if not for anyone else. It lets me look back at what I have done over the past year, and take stock of my writings and musings.


  • Spreading the word and interpreting the analytics

    As I said back in March, I have a fair bit of knowledge about you, my readers. While I enjoy writing, and a lot of the posts on this blog have been highly useful to me, it is good to know that there are people who read it who are not, well, me. To get word out there about new posts, I use the following channels: (more…)