Category: Tips & Tricks

  • Netflix: Remove movies and shows from your recently watched list

    The age of streamed media is upon us, and has been for a long time. I have been a user of Netflix ever since they came to Norway, and have watched a lot of shows. In the early days, everything was watched in one profile, and for one reason or another, shows were added to…

  • Adding a shared mailbox in Outlook

    A not infrequent question at work, is how to add a second mailbox in Outlook. Here’s how: Open Outlook Click File Go to Account settings, then account settings again Double click your current account Click “More settings” in the Server settings tab Go to the “Advanced” tab, and click add Add the mailboxes you want to…

  • Managing startup applications in Windows 10

    In earlier versions of Windows, I – and I would assume many with me – used the Startup folder in the Start menu to manage startup applications. In Windows 10, however, this folder is no more, and so we must find other ways of dealing with them. There are three ways to do so, all…

  • Sourcing music to for use in videos

    As I implied in my posts about GoPro studio, I do a fair bit of video editing. The end result of most of my editing sessions ends up on one of my two YouTube channels. From time to time, I need to add music to a video, like I did in this example: I use five…

  • Apple Numbers: Controlling rounding

    While I use Excel at work, I tend to use Numbers (part of the Apple Productivity Apps suite) at home. I have sheets that do a number of different things, most of them rife with macros and automatic functions. From time to time, I need to ensure that the result of a function either overstates…

  • When in doubt, reboot

    A common occurrence when contacting IT support, is that you are requested to reboot the computer, to see if that helps. From time to time, users are reluctant – or even unwilling – to do so, and ask why. The reason is very simple; experience has shown me, and many other IT professionals, that reboots…

  • Outlook 2013: BCC in meeting requests

    I had a user call in, who was unfamiliar with Office 2013, having only worked with previous versions of Office, and wanting to know how they could add a BCC recipient to the meeting request. In Outlook 2013, Microsoft changed the nomenclature used when adding attendees to meeting requests. Where before there had been the usual options (To,…

  • Outlook: Text turns to chinese characters when forwarding bounceback

    Some time ago, I had a user call in with a bounceback issue. They had sent us a screenshot of the bounceback, informing us that the email became illegible when they tried to forward it to us. I called the user up, remote controlled her computer, and had her demonstrate the issue, and sure enough; when…

  • Excel: Quickly remove blank cells

    From time to time, Excel worksheets fill up with blank cells interspersed among the content. While the judicious use of whitespace can be useful, it may also make reading the worksheet somewhat challenging. Luckily, Excel has a tool to help us get rid of the blank cells. Here’s how: Open the worksheet in question Press F5…

  • Resolving Error 1312 when mapping a folder on a network share

    Some time ago, I was talking to a user on the phone, while remotely controlling their computer. I needed to connect to a folder on a network share as my admin account, rather than that of the logged-in user, but kept running into the following error: Error 1312: A specified logon session does not exist. It did…

  • A better Remote Desktop experience

    Content note: several years after this was published, Microsoft discontinued RDCMan, having identified a security bug in the system. On my Macs, I have been using CoRD for a long, long time. It allows me to predefine any number of remote desktop servers, credentials included, so that I can connect to any one of them at…