How do you use the slow periods?

Most techs will agree, that even though it is stressful and at times annoying, high-intensity periods are to be preferred to low-intensity periods. There is a simple reason for this; when there is a lot going on, you simply can’t afford to procrastinate, and so you’re forced to do your work as efficiently as possible.
On the other hand, low-intensity periods, such as when everyone takes their summer vacation, while pleasant, can mean that you get much less done than you would in high-intensity periods, because you can procrastinate.
Even in slow periods, though, you can get a lot of things done. However, it demands that you exert some discipline, and set goals. In my experience, slow days are great to do those tedious tasks that you don’t have to do, but which makes things easier all over, such as documenting a solution, or troubleshooting that problem that’s been on your back burner for the last three months.
It is also a good time to talk to your clients. If you use these times to do a walk-around of the client’s offices, and talk to them individually, you’ll be able to catch the little things that most users simply contend with, which will in turn buy you good will for some later time, when you might want to have said goodwill intact.
By working pro-actively like that, you can also stop potential problems before they become problems. The risk, is of course that you suddenly get a lot to do, but at least then you don’t sit around twiddling your thumbs eh?


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