Tag: FotoWeb Desktop

  • Two options on how to work with images in FotoWeb Desktop plugin for Adobe CS

    You can either check them out, or download a local copy. Here’s how:   Alternative 1: Checking out a file for editing Having found the file you were looking for, simply double-click it to download and open the file. The file is then marked as checked out by you on the FotoWeb server and downloaded…

  • Changing the logo in the iPhone app

    By changing the image file located at %appdata%\FotoWare\FotoWeb\Site Settings\SITE\Documents\rsrc\iPhoneLogo.png you will change the logo of the iPhone app to your customer’s logo. The file used must be a .PNG file, of exactly 550×88 pixels. Also, keep in mind that it may take as long as four hours from first login after the change has been…

  • The FotoWeb Office Plugin supports placing of multiple placeholder boxes in PowerPoint

    When creating a layout in Powerpoint, pay attention to the sequence in which you place placeholders. The Office Plugin will place images in picture placeholders first, in the order they were placed in the document.   Second, it will place images in Content placeholders, again, in the order they were placed in the document. Naturally,…

  • No “From FotoWeb” button in Office 2007

    The information in this article applies to: FotoWeb Desktop 7Microsoft Office 2007  SYMPTOMS After rolling out or installing FotoWeb Desktop, the “From FotoWeb” button is not available from the Insert menu in Word and Powerpoint. CAUSE The problem occurs when Microsoft Office 2007 has not been fully updated using Microsoft Update. RESOLUTION Download and install…