Tag: ISO

  • Toolkit essentials – Software tools part one – ISO files

    Like their physical counterparts, software tools are absolutely necessary for successful IT support. I usually divide them up into two categories; CD images and executables. The first are usually distributed in the form of iso-files. I usually carry the following with me, along with blank CDs, so that I can make the tools I need to:

  • ISO burning – as easy as it comes

    From time to time, I come across having to burn an ISO onsite. I usually carry with me an external hard drive on which I have a few essential ISO’s, such as Ubuntu, UBCD or GParted. Now, while I have software to burn ISO’s on my computer, I don’t always bring my computer with me when going to see a customer. Luckily, there is a nifty little app to help me burn the discs I might need.
    The program is called “Free ISO Burner“, and it does exactly what it is meant to do, no more, no less. There are two advantages to this program. The first is the fact that it takes up less than one megabyte of storage. The second is that it runs, simply and smoothly, without installation. These two features means it’s one of the many programs I always have with me on a memorystick.
    A quick word on ISO’s. Wikipedia defines ISO’s as
