Toolkit essentials – Software tools part one – ISO files

Like their physical counterparts, software tools are absolutely necessary for successful IT support. I usually divide them up into two categories; CD images and executables. The first are usually distributed in the form of iso-files. I usually carry the following with me, along with blank CDs, so that I can make the tools I need to:

  • ERD Commander
    • ERD Commander is a tool made by SysInternals. It has been distributed to enterprise clients, and I have not seen it online as a download.
  • OphCrack
    • OphCrack is a Windows Password Cracker that has been nice to have around a few times. It does exactly what you’d think it does; it cracks Windows user account passwords.
  • Super Grub Disk
    • Super Grub Disc is a neat tool to repair MBR and GRUB.
  • Ubuntu
    • Ubuntu is one of the most prolific Linux distributions available. I use it for disc diagnostics and data retrieval.
  • Ultimate Boot CD
    • UBCD is a toolkit unto itself, and has diagnostic tools to last you a lifetime. It has saved me a few times, and allowed me to diagnose errors correctly at others.
  • Windows Memory Diagnostic

I usually carry these iso-files with me on a memory stick. That way, I don’t need to worry about losing CD’s, and I’m always able to make more tools should I need them.


One response to “Toolkit essentials – Software tools part one – ISO files”

  1. How to survive on-site support – STFU && RTFM

    […] they are hardware or software tools, bringing them shows the client you’re prepared, and puts them at their ease while you […]

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