Tag: LinkedIn

  • Self-hosting revisited

    Back in 2018, I wrote about my reasons for hosting my blog on my own site, rather than having it hosted elsewhere. This domain, razumny.no, is in fact my second TLD as my first one was poached (but that is a story for another time), and I’ve had it since at least 2008. All of…

  • Adventures in recruiterland: A counterpoint of sorts

    I have, in three previous posts written about recruiters, good and bad (though, let’s face it, I’ve mostly spoken about the bad). As most of the recruiters I’ve talked about have fallen squarely in the “bad” category, here’s a counterpoint of sorts. Though not bad, it’s certanly not good either. The initial contact looked like…

  • Further adventures in recruiter-land

    I’ve previously written about my experience with three different recruiters, as well as the problems I’ve had with inept recruiters. Today, I’d like to look at another few examples, both to show how not to do it, as well as to showcase what I consider to be red flags. 1: The non-descriptive overture This arrives…

  • A tale of three recruiters

    As so many others, I keep abreast of openings in my field, and apply when I see something relevant and interesting with an employer I might want to work for. These are my experiences with three such applications and the recruiters managing them (all of which, I might add, were external to the company recruiting…

  • The problem with inept recruiters

    I am, with surprising regularity, contacted by recruiters seeking to fill a position. While many of them call out specific aspects of my LinkedIn profile, indicating that they’ve at least taken a cursory glance at it, I am finding an increasing number of recruiters who, quite clearly, has not even bothered to do that. Here…

  • Endorsements and Recommendations on LinkedIn

    I am a fairly active networker, and use LinkedIn as a platform with which to keep track of my resume and coworkers past and present. In conjunction with this blog, it has landed me at least one job, and it’s a great tool.   LinkedIn has two seemingly similar features that I feel do two…