Tag: samaccountname

  • PowerShell: Find many users using their name

    This time around, I take the basis that I created last week, add a way to catch any users that is not found, as well as a way to run it on multiple users.

  • PowerShell: Return multiple specific properties

    The script I described a few weeks ago for finding all members of several groups is serving me very well indeed. I was recently asked to provide both the display name and the login name for each member in the group. This was readily achieved by modifying the script slightly. The rest of the script…

  • A better way of finding users’ group memberships

    More than six years ago, I wrote a post, detailing how I could identify users’ Active Directory group memberships. While the method I detailed certainly works, it isn’t as simple as it might have been. Having recently found myself needing to perform that very same task again, I decided to revisit this topic, to show…