Powershell: Add user to multiple groups

A while back, I had a user that had to be added to a large number (150+) of active directory groups. Rather than doing so manually, I spent a little time looking up how to automate it, and created a script to help me do it. Here’s how I constructed it:

First, I needed to define my groups. That command starts out with a dollar sign, calling what follows out as a variable. I called the variable Groups, and started adding my groups as part of an array – which is defined by @(ARRAY GOES HERE) – as follows:

$Groups = @("Group001";

Next, I added a foreach-loop, stating that I wanted a named user added as a member of each – using the Add-ADGroupMember command – of the groups. Here’s what that looked like:

ForEach ($Group in $Groups){
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Members "USERNAME"

Here’s what the complete script looked like:

$Groups = @("Group001";
ForEach ($Group in $Groups){
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Members "USERNAME"


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