As a general rule, I don’t do much in the way of SEO (search engine optimization) on this blog. I’m not trying to sell anything, readership numbers are largely irrelevant to me, and I am not serving any ads. While I wouldn’t mind having a readership in the tens or hundreds of thousands, the fact is I have neither the time nor the inclination to spend money on increasing readership numbers.
(more…)Category: Wordpress
An alert for old posts
As some of you may have noticed, my old posts now feature the following notice:
Changing it up, yet again
I know that it has been a very short time indeed since I last changed the theme, but I have not been completely happy with Latte, either. In particular, the fact that it has too much white space on either side of the posts when viewed on a large monitor has bothered me, but also the size of the header image, neither of which can be changed on Latte.
New theme
For some time, I’ve been unhappy with the theme I have been using, and started looking for something that does not actively remove focus from the content. This is the result. The theme is called “Alchem”, and I’m very happy with how it looks. In particular, I like how it helps me differentiate between views, as well as the functionality it brings to the table, such as infinite scroll, and related posts.
WordPress: Set an expiry date on a post
From time to time, you may want to have a post expire at a preset date. Maybe you’re running a campaign, maybe you’ve got a survey going, or maybe you simply know that a specific post will stop to be relevant at a specific date. Whatever the reason, you want it to disappear, at a preset date. But how?
WordPress: Make a post sticky
As you may have noticed, there has been a sticky post at the top of the page for the last two weeks or so. A reader actually emailed me and asked how I accomplished that. As it turns out, making a post sticky in WordPress is very easy to do.
Cookie notification bar
Last week, I wrote about why I now have a cookie notification bar in the top of the blog. What I didn’t tell you was how I did it.
One of the things I really like about WordPress, is the fact that there are a myriad of plugins to do just about anything. So, too with this. In fact, a search at for “Cookie” returns over four hundred results. Out of all of these, I chose one called UK Cookie Consent. The reason I chose that one, is that I found it unobtrusive and user friendly, while remaining compliant with the current legislation.
When it is installed, the plugin automatically creates a page called Cookie Policy on your WordPress blog. If you, like me, don’t want it displayed in the top bar, you can make it a child page of just about any other page you want. The plugin updates the link to point correctly. You can of course also edit the page, and add information, like the information I have added about external cookies. -
A new outlook on life
Having played with the idea for some time now, I finally decided it was time to switch out my old theme for this one. Though there was nothing wrong with the old theme, per se, I had grown tired of it, and opted to swap to this one. The old theme, NewBlue by Blog Design Studio has served me well since I first started using it. That, however, is almost four years ago, and I wanted the site to look differently.
For now, I will use Twenty Twelve, by the WordPress team. If anyone has any suggestions for a new theme that might suit the site, feel free to drop me a line or two in the comments. -
Adding a personal message for commenters
If you have left a comment, you might have noticed that there is a message for you before the comment field, that looks like this:
It’s pretty simple to implement, though you do need to muck about a very little bit in php. Here’s how: (more…) -
STFU && RTFM on mobile devices
After reading this post at NRKBeta (link in Norwegian), I decided to follow suit, and install a theme to help speed up access to my blog from mobile devices.