Thoughts on many things

  • Reviewed: Stray

    The most talked-about game release of the summer has been the post-apocalyptic cat-simulator Stray. Seeing all of the chatter about it, not to mention all of the videos of cats watching their slaves play the game, I felt like I couldn’t not pick it up. Here are my thoughts: Game: Stray Publisher: Annapurna Interactive Platform:…

  • Weaponizing legal activities

    This isn’t the post I was planning on writing this week, but it’s the one you’re getting. In light of the many, many news cycles this past week which have been taken up by the videos of Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin dancing at a party, I’ve decided to comment on the scandal – or…

  • PowerShell: Troubleshoot network connectivity

    A while back, a customer contacted us because they were having problems connecting to Amazon WorkSpaces. This led me to dig into a PowerShell command which was new to me; Test-NetConnection. In its simplest form, the command simply checks your network connectivity: I, however, needed to confirm that I was able to connect to a…

  • Finding your YouTube comments

    From time to time, I’ve found that I need to find a comment I made on a YouTube video some time ago. As luck would have it, that a feat which is relatively easily achievable. Here’s how: From a desktop computer, go to, click the three-dot menu, and select “Other activity”: Scroll down to…

  • State of the Blog 2022

    True to tradition, I’m writing a summer retrospective post. Meant to be the summer counterpart to my end-of-year roundup series, some information will naturally be duplicated across the two series of posts. After more than two years of varying measures to combat coronavirus, all measures were lifted in Norway a few months ago now, and life is…

  • On Pride

    Update, July 2022:As you may know, Oslo Pride was largely cancelled this year due to a terror attack that was in all likelihood directed at the LGBTQIA+ community. The official parade was cancelled on the advice of the police, as was the memorial that was scheduled to happen two days later. Like so many others,…

  • Your lack of planning…

    …is not my emergency. A while back, a customer contacted us, saying that they either needed to have a particular piece of software* installed, or that a change* needed to be performed on one of the servers which we operate for them. The former was very much not an option, as said software was not…

  • Endpoint: Finding the serial number of a computer

    One of the nice things with managing computers in Endpoint is that you can get a lot of information about the specifications of a given computer out of it, such as the serial number, which is useful for warranty check purposes. Here’s how: Open Configuration Manager Console Go to Devices, and search for the computer…

  • Find WLAN password from the command line

    If I’ve been there once, I’ve been there a thousand times; I’ve connected to a wireless network with my computer, but want to connect with my phone, too. The only problem is that I don’t know what the WLAN password is. Luckily, you can find the password to networks you’ve connected to using the command…

  • Excel: Allow dividing formulas to fail gracefully

    I’m sure I’m not alone in having had this happen: I was using Excel to make some quick calculations, and got #DIV/0!-errors for some rows because one of the fields I’d been dividing by was empty. Sometimes you don’t have all the information you need for every single row, but you still want to have…

  • Do not let perfection…

    …become the enemy of good. A lot of what I do involve working with text, either on my own or with others. Moving a comma here, changing a word there, and completely changing the sentence structure over in this other section. At some point, you have to go from “doing” to “done”. Whether that’s because…