Tag: spacemonger

  • Software Spotlight: Spacemonger

    Some software comes and goes, and other software is there for you for the long term. Spacemonger is one of the latter category. Simply put, it scans a hard drive and shows you what’s on it using blocks to represent relative file/folder size, like so: I first came across it back in 2007 or so,…

  • Toolkit essentials – Software tools part two – Executables

    Like their physical counterparts, software tools are absolutely necessary for successful IT support. I usually divide them up into two categories; CD images and executables. In my last post, I covered CD images, now to the executables I bring with me: Autoruns Autoruns is a nifty little app from SysInternals that lets you quickly and…

  • Spacemonger – find out what’s clogging up your hard drive

    Ever seen that your hard drive is nearing full, and been unsure what files are to blame? In my job as a desktop service technician, I’ve many times been called upon to find out what is causing a client’s computer to be running slowly, or simply what’s making a software install fail. One of the…

  • Software I cannot live without

    Almost anyone that works with computers collect a few programs they can’t live without. For me, there are a few of them, and here they are: 1 – Notepad++ I’ve written about Notepad++ earlier, and there’s not much more to say other than the fact that it’s the best simple text editor I’ve encountered, and…