Tag: TBT

  • #TBT: Net Neutrality

    This post originally ran in April 2008. I am reposting it now, as part of my throwback thursday project, to give some of my older quality posts some love. This one is sadly still highly relevant. Net Neutrality has become a heated topic over the last few years. The debate is whether an Internet Service Provider (ISP) should…

  • #TBT: The Throwback Thursday project

    #TBT and Throwback Thursday has become something of a thing of late. The concept is simple enough; bring old posts and content back to the front page, and help people find your quality content. For me, this project means both that I look through my old posts, some of which are still very relevant, and pick them…

  • Why Webmail rocks my world

    I’ve been using email since 1998, and from the get-go I’ve been using various webmail-clients, in addition to locally installed clients such as Outlook Express (urgh), Outlook (Yum-yum), Lotus Notes (Oh-so-bloated) and Thunderbird (Weighed, measured and found wanting). My first email address was a hotmail one, and although that specific incarnation of my online presence…