Category: Internet Explorer

  • Resolving error code 0x9c47 when installing Internet Explorer 11

    A user called in, wanting help troubleshooting an installation of Internet Explorer 11 that repeatedly and persistently failed. The error code was the same, 0x9c47. The error code means that a Windows Update, KB2729094, could not be found on the computer. Because it is listed as a prerequisite for IE11, the installation failed. It did not matter one…

  • Internet Explorer: Search in the address bar does not work

    A while back, a user called in, complaining that he was unable to use the address bar to search, in Internet Explorer 10. He further reported that he had just upgraded from Internet Explorer 9. I originally thought it was due to problems with a plugin, so that was where I started out. After looking at all…

  • Welcome to the party, Microsoft

    Like many, many others, I have been urging people to stop using Microsoft Internet Explorer for years. Finally, Microsoft is starting to come around to part of our argument, and has launched a website called IE6 Countdown. Welcome to the party, Microsoft. My biggest problem with IE is still the fact that it is an…

  • Microsoft Internet Ballot screen candidates

    After a long run of anti-trust suits, Microsoft has finally come to an agreement with the EU about how to solve the internet browser problem. The problem is that Microsoft delivers Windows bundled with Internet Explorer, which competing software developers claim is a breach of anti-trust laws. The solution? When a fresh install of Microsoft…

  • Inverted colors in Windows Media Player running in Internet Explorer

    A user logged a support ticket, saying that she was having problems playing streaming video in Internet Explorer. According to the ticket, it “doesn’t work”. The user would be away from work, but had left her passwords “in a secure place” (read: under her keyboard)… nbsp; I went to her computer, logged on, and tested…

  • Unable to uninstall Internet Explorer 8

    The next version of Microsofts Internet Explorer is currently in public beta. Many of the beta testers are reporting that they are unable to uninstall the beta. The reason? They are running Windows XP SP3.   Now, you can still uninstall IE8, it just takes a little more time, and effort. The first step to…

  • A glance at different outlooks

    Following monday’s post a colleague of mine sent me the below picture. Although I’ll grant you it is oversimplifying things more than a bit, it still has a vein of truth in it, not to mention the fact that it is more than slightly amusing… (Click the image to see the full size)

  • Citrix: "ICA File not found" Error fix

    When accessing applications through Citrix Web Interface, users sometimes get the following error message:   Having researched many possible solutions, the fix I’ve found is this:   1: Open Internet Explorer 2: Click Tools > Internet Options 3: On the General tab, click the Delete Files button 4: Restart the browser   The cause seems…

  • Internet Explorer and me (Or: Why I choose)

    I’ve been using computers more or less actively for about 10 years now. My first encounter with a computer was a hulking 386, which I never really got the hang of. Since then, I’ve encountered computers in many different ways, but the first time I can remember getting a “So that’s what it’s all about”…

  • Branding Internet Explorer

    Like me, you’ve probably been using the internet for a while, and may have noticed that sometimes Internet Explorer has a “provided by”-tag, looking something like this: Well, I wondered how they did this, and found out. This is how to brand your Internet Explorer, in three simple steps.: First, open the “run”-dialog box from…