What’s in your bag?

I am lucky enough to travel as much as suits me, but not much more. However, I have developed a list of things I bring with me whenever I go travelling. There are two lists; the core list and the extended list. Here goes:

The core list

The underlying theme here is accessibility. I have what I need to be as accessible as I want for a fairly long period of time. This setup would leave me a bare minimum of room for spare clothes. If I need more than that, I would go for the extended list anyway.

The extended list

That’s just about it. With this, I can go anywhere, for an extended period of time, if need be. It’s comfortable, fairly stylish, and it just works.


4 responses to “What’s in your bag?”

  1. Kai Benjaminsen

    No more Android and Linux for you?

    1. I haven’t been on Android since I got my iPhone two years ago. While I haven’t looked into the latest releases, iOS at the time felt like a better offering, in particular in terms of OS maturity.

      As for Linux, it’s never really been my cup of tea. I have made forays into it, and will continue doing so, but for travel, I want things that I know works, whose operation I am familiar with, and that can exchange information in the background without me doing anything.

      Don’t get me wrong; I don’t have any level of hate for Android and Linux, quite the opposite; I see them both as useful additions to the world of computing. I just don’t have any room for them in my bag when I go travelling.

  2. Kai

    Are you satisfied with your 5.11 Push Pack? Just got myself one now, will “field test” it on vacation now…

    1. I’ve had mine since September or October of 2011, and am still extremely pleased with it. It is always with me when I go on vacation, as it is the perfect bag to grab to bring my wallet, phone, water and whatever else I need on any given day of being a tourist. It has been to both the US and Australia with me, as well as on a long road-trip through Europe, and a number of other trips. It has stood up well, and does not really show any wear.

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