Countering a YouTube copyright claim

When I edit videos, I keep meticulous notes on where any third party content comes from, and note it in the description of my video. Even so, I have had copyright claims made against my videos, mostly regarding the music I use. These claims can be obnoxious, though I don’t necessarily agree that there’s any merit to claims that they are scams. At any rate, when a claim is made, you need to file a dispute, detailing where the music is sourced from.

It has been my experience, however, that most of the companies claiming to hold copyright do not bother to check whether their claims are disputed, and I have had several cases where the disputed claim simply expired, and that they never even looked at the dispute. If you’re happy with that, then you’re golden, and don’t need to do anything else. I don’t like having these claims lying there, and so opted to contact the rights holder directly.

By sending them an email (example below), the claim was released within 48 hours, far preferable to the 30 days I’ve experienced otherwise. In your email, state the facts, show where you sourced the disputed material. Simply put; show them that they don’t have a case. Anyway, here’s my latest email (which I had to send to two different rights holders, as both claimed to hold the copyright):

Good afternoon,

You have claimed copyright for some of the music I used on a video on my channel, D20 Shooting Sports. The video in question is this one:

The music in question was released into the public domain by Frank Nora, as asserted here:

It was originally sourced from the Midnight Cassette System, here:

I respectfully request that you retract your copyright claim.





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